About: TinyPersians a CFA and TICA Registered Cattery in North Dallas Texas specializing in Silver Persians such as; Silver, Silver Chinchillas, Shaded Silvers, Goldens, Shaded Goldens, Golden Chinchillas, Whites, Blacks.

Our kittens are socialized and grooms and bath well. We strive to produce healthy, sweet, well adjusted Persian kittens of all sizes and Doll Face and flat face Persians!

Additionally we bred Exotic Shorthairs of many colors and three (3) coat lengths standard to the breed. PurrDelites.com

FIV, FeLV, DNA PKD and Heartworm tested negative, exams, up-to-date vaccinations, worming with all departures. Guarantee for Ringworm, FIV, FeLV, PKD and Heartworm. Ship Internationally. We welcome your inquiries. Offering Pet and Breeder Persians and Exotic Shorthair cats. Since 2012, Known as a reputable breeder rated by our customers Internationally!