About: 2 cats Rehoming: Seeking Loving Home for My 2 Sweet Senior Cats, Leo and Bella. Must stay together. **Leo** is incredibly sweet and affectionate, while **Bella**—his petite sister, about the size of a six-month-old cat—is equally loving and snuggly and vocal. Both are great with dogs too! Due to a recent move to a smaller house, my cat allergies are worse and I can’t have swollen eyes everyday. Although this is a difficult decision, I want to ensure they find a caring environment where they can thrive.

Note: these cats are indoor but can also be in a fenced yard as well. We have had them in two different yards where they go in and out through a dog door and they stay in the yard. They had laser declaw in front only.

 * To help ensure a smooth transition, I am happy to provide food for an entire year for both cats and a cat tree. It is also essential that Leo and Bella be adopted together, as their bond is strong. They are from the same litter and have never lived apart.
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