I sadly do not have his vet info because my boyfriend’s sister got him and gave me to him because she couldn’t take care of him and she was horrible at taking care of him. Him and a food bowl will be with him. All my other cat stuff is for the rest of my cats/young adult.
I love him to death he sometimes does weird things. If you hug him he might run away or even meow the whole time in your arms. He mainly is a loner type of cat. He rarely hangouts out with my other cats I have but will play from time to time. He is cute but an odd one haha but that’s why I love him. He’s a goof ball for sure but can be shy at first for a couple months. sadly I don’t have enough money to take him to the vet to de flea him if someone could take him and be able to give him the life he deserves I would greatly appreciate it. Im sadly broke at the moment and feel like it’s necessary to give up some of my cats. I put domestic but I honestly forgot his breed type!! Sorry!!
Views: 135
Created: 11-19-2024
Updated: 11-19-2024
Photos: 11-19-2024
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